Assignment/Project Submission
Course work will not be returned to learners once submitted for assessment. Learners are therefore advised to retain copies of all course work submitted. This is necessary both for the learner’s own future reference and in the event of the tutor requesting a copy of the course work, for whatever reason. Electronic back-up copies should also be retained. All hard copy materials will be disposed of by 30th September of every academic year.
Issue of Assessment/Exam Results & Certificates
QQI Programmes
Results for all QQI assessment will be posted to respective learners in June of each year. Learners completing programmes in the first term in December will also receive their results in the following June. QQI certificates are posted to respective learners in August of each year. Learners wishing to appeal their grades must do so within 14 days of results being posted from college (date available on calendar). Details of how to appeal will be issued with results.
Assessment entry with QQI requires learners to supply the Director of Adult Education with a correct PPSN, first name, surname and DOB. Failure to supply the correct details will result in the unsuccessful processing of the entry. Throughout the duration of the programme, learners will be asked to verify their data by their teacher to facilitate the entry process. The data will be used for the purpose of assessment entry only.